

I don’t know why all the trees change in the fall, or how a sad song can make me cry, and why some people don’t change at all. I don’t know why I have to learn so many stuff, how some people always get what they want, and why sometimes sex doesn’t equals love. I don’t know why friends come and go, how people can be so selfish, or how am I supposed to live on mw own. I wish people didn’t get old, that this winter wasn’t so cold, and that you knew at least my favorite song. I truly hope for better days, I wish (almost) everybody well, and I think we can always change our fate. I wonder if my friends know how much they mean to me, if anyone has ever known what love really is, and why some people rather “have” than “be”. I don’t know if a lie is always worse than the true, if sometimes being alone is really better than being with someone else, and why there are days when I can only think of you. I wish I could be someone else, know why the days pass so slowly and how I still don’t have time for myself. I wish I knew what makes you smile and I could say you are mine, even just for a little while. I wish I didn’t have so many things to worry about, that weekend lasted a little longer, and that life could give me more answers than doubts.

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